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My Rugged 211

My Rugged 211

If you can appreciate why finding a classic military jacket at your local Goodwill shop is as exciting as dropping a grand on a designer coat then My Rugged 211 should make its way onto your bookshelf.  From Minoru Onozato, editor of Japan’s Free and Easy, My Rugged 211 features the 211 wardrobe staples from the underground style legend’s closet.  All kinds of real men’s gear like a pair of Levi’s from the 50’s, an old-school tweed parka, and a pair of USAAF service shoes – which appear to be the inspiration for the modern day desert boots – fill the pages, along with descriptions on why each piece warranted Onozato’s praise.  While purchasing the exact items would be next to impossible, My Rugged 211 will inspire you to craft your own style.  (Bonus – You’ll learn Japanese.)