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6 Podcasts To Better Understand All Things Style and Menswear

6 Podcasts To Better Understand All Things Style and Menswear

If you think about it, there is a lot of blank space in a day to learn something new. While I know that we all need some mental downtime, there’s something to be said about keeping your mind busy while you’re doing something mundane, like, say, washing the dishes or folding your laundy.

For me, I listen to podcasts. And lots of ‘em. There was a time when I was driving two hours each way to law school. Being in the car so long, you can only listen to your favorite playlist so much. It was then when I discovered how easy it was to pass the time with a podcast to keep my mind active and not getting too hung up on the Sisyphean commute to class four days a week. I decided to learn French and, now ten years later, I’m still fairly good at it, all thanks to filling that wasted time in my day. Now, law school on the other hand? I lasted a semester.

But, as they say, c’est la vie.

Being the sartorial-minded chap that I am, I’ve since turned my attention away from Romance languages and into the clothing world, where there is a wealth of content out there. While magazines and social media may show one part of the menswear industry, it’s fairly flat. It’s two-dimensional and often only highlighting the best, brightest, and newest thing. If you want to go in-depth, to really get to know a brand or designer, nothing beats a podcast.

To save you the trouble of having to scroll through endless options on Spotify, I’ve put together a few of my favorites here.



Jeremy Kirkland’s brand of interviewing can only be described as “nice.” And in a competitive audio market filled with edgy clickbait and one-liners, it’s refreshing. Kirkland’s podcast Blamo! has a wide range of guests, from musicians to industry veterans to everyone in between, and the conversations center on the human side of interviewee’s interest in fashion and style.

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business of fashion podcast

Business of Fashion Podcast

The Business of Fashion podcast is the offshoot of the veritable bible of current events happening in the fashion world today. Their weekly podcast deep dives into current topics, while also giving a reasoned, well-researched approach inot topics that affect the global industry today. The topics can range from climate activism to the Korean beauty market, leaving no stone unturned on topics worth discussing.

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throwing fits

Throwing Fits

Throwing Fits, hosted by industry veterans Lawrence Schlossman and James Harris, have been “tryna navigate the male zeitgeist” while cementing themselves as Top Tier content creators in the process. While some listeners may be a bit put off by the upfront abrasiveness of the hosts, don’t let it dissuade you from going deep into the archives and giving them a chance. Throwing Fits remains one of the best educational pods out there that gives listeners a real understanding of the industry as it is happening contemporaneously.

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the fashion collective

The Fashion Collective

A newer podcast on the scene, The Fashion Collective brings stories from creatives in all parts of the menswear and fashion industry into your ears. With an emphasis on longer conversations, The Fashion Collective allows the listener to really know the interviewee through a natural, organic conversation. What’s especially interesting about The Fashion Collective is its mix of high-profile accounts and smaller, niche content makers, giving us a wide perspective on topics of interest today.

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beyond the garment

Beyond the Garment with Drew Joiner

Drew Joiner is an influencer in his own right, though without any of the cheesiness that comes with that title. In fact, Joiner’s popularity isn’t from flashy editing and the typical #sponcon approach. Instead, it comes from his casual, conversational, and inclusive videos which highlight brands across the world with an informational and unbiased tone. His podcast, Beyond the Garment, is similar in this way. Joiner invites fashion designers, TikTokers, entrepreneurs, and artists of all backgrounds onto his podcast for conversations without any of the pretense. I don’t think of Joiner’s episodes as “interviews” but as opportunities to hang out with a friend a couple times a week.

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central division

Central Division

The joint project of menswear veterans, David Coggins and Michael Williams, Central Division is a great lifestyle podcast that doesn’t just focus on fashion, but on an array of topics that deal, tangentially, with menswear in some way. From Dispatches from their travels, to recapping Pitti Uomo and fly fishing adventures, Central Division is a chance to hear some of the wisdom imparted by these vets in an easy-to-listen-to format. But make sure you have a pen and paper ready – these guys always have some great recommendations throughout their episodes.

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