It’s a well known fact that you can compensate for a lot of things by being well dressed. Unfortunately, going off the rack – even if you do it well – can’t overcome the two digit rule. If you want to find a chick that is two digits higher than you on the 10 scale you need to call in the big guns. Which is where IndiTailored comes in.
IndiTailored is all about you – and shirts. Choose your fabric, your collar, cuff, fit, plackets, pleats, and anything else you could ever want to customize in a shirt. Basically, you can customize parts of the shirt you don’t even know the names of. This also means you can make a shirt that looks like the 80s – but that’s why IndiTailored has a design vault with popular selections. No more shirts that are too tight or too big, too short or too long, and just generally uncomfortable. And we’re going to help you put your best foot forward by putting a $150 IndiTailored gift certificate in your wallet.
Cool Material and IndiTailored are giving away one $150 gift certificate to use on their site. To enter – simply head on over to our Facebook page and leave a comment on the giveaway post on our wall. We’ll choose a winner on Friday 7/23. Good luck!