Zontik Games replaces that cheap plastic rubik’s cube you had on your desk as a kid with a stunning solid chrome version with gorgeous leather inlaid sides. Not simply a toy or a forgettable trinket, the Executive Rubik’s Cube holds a permanent and prominent place on your desk, declaring that you’ve already solved the puzzle of how to get to the top.
Retails for $155 at Zontik Games. Check out Zontik Games for fine backgammon boards, poker sets and other cool games.
CONTEST CLOSED – Congrats Alex Hoffman!
Cool Material and Zontik Games are giving away one of these snazzy Rubik’s Cubes to a loyal fan.
1. Become a fan of Cool Material on Facebook.
2. Leave a comment on our wall under the Rubik’s Cube Giveaway post.
1 winner will be selected on Friday 3/26 and notified on Facebook. (U.S. Residents only)
Good luck!