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IKEA Hacker

IKEA Hacker


This just in – you only have forty-eight hours until Christmas is upon you. Hopefully you got that special someone something special, but if you didn’t there is still time for glory… as long as there is an IKEA nearby. Yeah, you could just pick up a bjork or an abba or a robyn but those lack thought… and taste.

The problem with the whole DIY scene is that material is expensive, nothing comes with instructions (You definitely won’t use them, but the fact that they’re there is oddly comforting.), and Home Depot just isn’t an experience like IKEA is. Sure, the possibilities at Home Depot are endless, but they don’t sell ice cream and have funny product names.

Assuming you can handle a hammer, drill, or industrial strength adhesive, IKEA Hacker has some ideas that might just save your ass (and your marriage) in time for Christmas. Hit up IKEA Hacker for some cool ideas for that wardrobe (that’s just a big freestanding closet, right?) you’ve (she’s) always wanted and then head to IKEA for the parts. Throw a couple hours labor into the mix and you can still be a hero come Christmas morning.