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How to Make Freddy’s Ribs from ‘House of Cards’

How to Make Freddy’s Ribs from ‘House of Cards’

Maybe it’s the fact we finally finished the latest season, but we’re pretty much clamoring for anything House of Cards at this point. That’s why we’re excited for the latest Binging with Babish. This episode of the popular YouTube series tackles Freddy’s Ribs from House of Cards. The chef / filmmaker whips up three separate versions of those iconic ribs from House of Cards using a combination of oak and hickory for smoking, a dry rub and and a Carolina style barbecue sauce with vinegar, tomato and mustard. Watch the full video to learn how to make the dry rub and two different variations of the barbecue sauce from scratch, along with how to prepare the ribs in an actual smoker or two different, more city-friendly ways to prepare them with the oven. A word of caution: don’t watch this video if you haven’t just eaten, because it will leave you craving ribs even at 10:00 in the morning.