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RETO Is Making a Modern 3D Film Camera

RETO Is Making a Modern 3D Film Camera

When it comes to cameras, the saying that “the best camera is the one you have with you” is true most of the time. That normally means shooting on your phone, but there’s still something to be said for the style and emotion you can only get with a film camera. RETO (as in “REinvent TOgether”) is resurrecting century old 3D film technology in a new, easy-to-use and affordable 3D film camera. The RETO3D is a 35mm film camera that uses triple lenses to simultaneously capture three separate half-frame images from different angles. The end result is a photograph that appears to wiggle in space because it captures three distinct moments. It’s small enough to be carried in almost any pocket, which means you’ll actually have it with you when you want to capture that perfect 3D shot. You’re going to have to deal with getting the film developed instead of the immediate gratification of something like a Fuji Instax, but we think it’s worth it.