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Steve & Co. NATO Watch Straps

Steve & Co. NATO Watch Straps

We love watches. A lot. It’s an affliction that has – on more than one occasion – led to a bank account nearing negative numbers and a lack of dresser space, not to mention the look on the significant others face when they learn how much the latest “investment” cost. Even though we have countless options when it comes time to put on a watch, we have a favorite. You probably do too. It doesn’t matter if it’s a Rolex or a Timex or a Hamilton because it’s your favorite. The only problem is, wearing the same exact watch every day is like eating the same thing for lunch, it just gets boring. Switching to a NATO strap is cost-effective, good lucking and quite simple. Steve & Co. military-inspired nylon straps might only be 18mm wide and 280mm long, but they’ll go miles in terms of your watch’s appearance.