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Stay in a Zero Footprint Cabin in Finland

Stay in a Zero Footprint Cabin in Finland

Neste, the world’s largest producer of renewable diesel, is taking their “Journey to Zero” commitment one step further with Nolla, an almost zero emissions cabin designed to prove that it’s possible to live a low-impact daily life. The A Frame style cabin is the size of a small bedroom with enough space inside for essentials like two camping beds and a Wallas stove for cooking and heating. In other words, it’s the essence of minimalism in every aspect, which is kind of the point because the goal is zero footprint, zero waste and zero emissions. In keeping with the zero theme, Nolla is currently setup on Vallisaari island away from modern urban convenience (there isn’t even running water!). The flipside to all of that is that you’ll be in the middle of the Helsinki archipelago with views that are the picture perfect definition of idyllic. Much like some of the great castles and log cabins out there, you’ll be able to rent Neste on Airbnb for the month of August.