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“Fast & Furious” 1970 Dodge Charger

“Fast & Furious” 1970 Dodge Charger

We all saw the movies: good looking white guy with constantly furrowed brow chases much more badass non-white guy by driving tricked out import cars and racing on the streets of cities near and far. Truth be told, the cars in the Fast and the Furious movies were by far the most (only?) compelling reason to see the films. And no other car really compared to Vin Diesel’s classic 1970 Dodge Charger with it’s hood mounted blower. Finding a Dodge Charger that’s not falling apart at the seams is hard enough… finding a replica of this supercharged version–nigh impossible. Fortunately, Volo Auto Museum is offering one… in fact, it’s offering THE one. The Charger that appears in the movie is now for sale for a tick under $130,000. Sure, sell your house for it. Your house can’t do a quarter mile in under 10 seconds.