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Trinken Lids Hide Beer in a Coffee Cup

Trinken Lids Hide Beer in a Coffee Cup

There are plenty of clever ways to drink in public, but none of them compare to the simplicity and ease of the Trinken Lid. Trinken Lids hide beer in a coffee cup with six sets of snaps to hold your can and a silicone gasket seal to ensure the beer doesn’t leak. Open your beer. Line it up with the drinking hole. Attach the Trinken Lid. Insert your beer into a medium/large to-go coffee cup (add an ice cube or two to the bottom to keep it chilly). Enjoy on the street, before a festival or even at your local coffee shop. With an added layer of air inside, Trinken Lids also keep your beverages colder than they would be if the can was in your hand. But why don’t I just pour my beer into the coffee cup? It won’t stay cold as long. It’s probably going to taste like coffee. And you’re not going to be able to reuse the same cup as often.