Wylie Overstreet
SwitchEasy Cara iPad Case
If a ninja turtle was dipped in black shiny armor gloss and given the sole purpose of protecting your prized electronic possession, the result would be something very much like Cara iPad case by SwitchEasy. The Cara case protects the iPad all the way around, with a sleek and glossy…

“Fast & Furious” 1970 Dodge Charger
We all saw the movies: good looking white guy with constantly furrowed brow chases much more badass non-white guy by driving tricked out import cars and racing on the streets of cities near and far. Truth be told, the cars in the Fast and the Furious movies were by far…

Porn Versions of Classic Films
The porn industry has a truly impressive talent for taking the seemingly innocuous titles of popular movies--titles absent of sexual innuendo--and somehow change a letter or two resulting in something that makes men grin and nuns faint. Well turns out that talent is just sort of genetically imbedded in some…

Bill Murray Art
The enigmatic and reclusive Bill Murray has a cinematic Midas touch. From Caddyshack to The Life Aquatic, the man doesn't really go wrong (we give him a freebie on Garfield). Los Angeles' R&R Gallery is commemorating The Murray with a series of works by prominent and up and coming artists.…

Need Supply Co. Down Vest
Two things occured to us when we saw Need Suuply Co.'s down vest. First, yes, we would like to have it. Second, it's going to be pretty tough to make it through this description without making a Back to the Future joke. To speak to the first one, a good…

Beat Box Portable Music System
Back when MP3 players were relatively new, a wave of portable music systems came out capitalizing on the trend. These little plastic things ran off a couple of batteries, or perhaps just a big wound up rubber band, and could be toted to the beach, the tailgate, or anywhere that…

Glif iPhone 4 Tripod
The iPhone 4 has pretty great camera and video capabilities. What's not pretty great is shooting a blurry photo or shaky video because you've had seven gin and tonics and you can't really stand up let alone hold the iPhone steady. Enter the Glif. It allows you to affix your…

50 Cars To Drive
Men don't throw around the world "love" a lot, but when we do it's almost invariably in reference to a car. Ok, maaaaaybe a significant other. Maybe. Long story short: we love cars, they love us. And while our Honda Accord is wonderfully practical, "practical" isn't what draws us to…

DODObag for the iPad
When Apple's magical, revolutionary, made-from-unicorn-farts iPad hit the market, case makers went into overdrive. One case soon stood out from the rest: the DODOcase, with it's simple Moleskine-esque black cover and firey red inside, it soon was in demand in a way that made it basically impossible to buy one.…

Every time we log on to Amazon.com, they throw all these "Products You Also Might Like" at us. Invariably, they have something to do with the female form, booze, sports and/or military history, shaving cream, and feather headdresses. We're not sure what Amazon was smoking with the headdresses, but otherwise…

Bose VideoWave System
Bose Audio is known for... well, audio. You've probably wandered in to one of their showrooms and been impressed by the big sound coming from a set of speakers the size of sugar cubes. We're not sure how they do this--elfish pixie dust, probably--but the results speak for themselves. Bose…

The New Brooklyn Cookbook
It's a widely accepted fact that Brooklyn is a great place. It's the cooler, laid-back younger brother to Manhattan. It's got fantastic bars, great restaurants, and it's almost affordable. Even Victoria and David Beckham were smitten by it, naming their first child after the cit... you know what, nevermind. Forget…

City Coat Rack
A coat rack is one of those things that's usually pretty simple - a standard hook or set of hooks affixed to the wall in a nondescript way. Or, if you're in college, a handful of ten-penny carpenter nails hammered haphazardly into the sheetrock. The coat rack deserves more respect…

Mitten Maker Recycled Wallets
A man acquires a new wallet rarely. One of our editors is still rocking the Stussy velcro wallet he picked up at Hot Topic in 7th grade. For many of us a wallet is one of those things we don't often think about, until it falls apart after being stuffed…

The MoviePeg for iPad
You've got yourself a new iPad, and you've got yourself that brand shiny new copy of Hello Dolly! and you're just jumpin' out of your skin to watch it. Questionable film tastes aside, you're going to soon realize that holding an iPad for two hours straight is surprisingly unfun. That's…