There are a lot of important problems in the world that need solving. Waking up every morning and having to tie your shoes before you leave for the day is probably not one of them… but it’s still a giant pain in the ass. If you think about it, it takes about 30 seconds every day to tie your shoes. That doesn’t seem like a lot, but if our infomercial math is correct that’s a little over three hours of your life spent tying shoes every year. And that assumes that you’re only tying a pair of shoes once each day. Lace Anchors 2.0 is composed of two pairs (one for each shoe) of plastic fiber filled material discs that are as ingenious as they are simple. Slide your laces through the Lace Anchors at the top of your shoe and then back through and the tension created makes the bow knot completely unnecessary. Reclaiming that much time every day (i.e. not being late to work) is totally worth it for around $3.50/pair.
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