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Dyson’s Zone Headphones Have an Air-Purifying “Visor”

Dyson’s Zone Headphones Have an Air-Purifying “Visor”
Anyone and everyone that’s anywhere near the tech space has released their own version of the “latest and greatest” noise-cancelling headphones. We’ve seen them from Beats, Sony, Bose, and now, even from Dyson. While that last option might seem out of place, it’s just the latest foray into the world of usable tech from the brand that’s, well, always revolutionizing the world of usable tech. The Dyson Zone Headphones are not cheap–par for the course with Dyson, let’s not kid ourselves–but they’re also crazy over-engineered, backed by years of research, eye-catching and, most-importantly, equipped with a full-face air-purification system that will make you look like a ninja from Mortal Kombat. No, seriously. We’re not joking. According to SF Gate, it was “Designed for situations like commuting in a traffic-packed city, the headset removes particles like pollen, bacteria and dust, as well as nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and ozone. Notably, the seal’s not tight enough to minimize COVID-19 exposure. You can also remove the mouth filter visor to just wear the headphones, which are sort of cool aesthetically but fairly bulky and heavy.” We don’t see any reason why you wouldn’t want to get maximum pollution protection while also looking like a character from one of the greatest video games ever, but the headphones themselves (despite being bulky) are good enough to warrant wearing them without the visor if you so choose.
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