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InkCase Adds an E Ink Display to the Back of Your iPhone 6

InkCase Adds an E Ink Display to the Back of Your iPhone 6

E Ink technology isn’t new, but it’s finding a home outside of the Kindles of the world with specialty iPhone cases that integrate E Ink displays into the rear of the case. InkCase is, obviously, one of those cases. Produced by Oaxis, InkCase i6 adds a 4.3″ E Ink display to the rear of a case that also protects your phone. Once you connect it via Bluetooth, you can get push notifications, weather updates, contacts and even e-mail without ever engaging the full-color display. One of the biggest benefits of E Ink has always been the low light readability and power consumption, so you can also use inkCase to read a book or just put a cool black and white picture on the back of your case. The entire system only adds 4.2mm—about two credit cards—to your phone, so it’s not much more than a standard case.