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Cubic Is Like the AI Assistant from “Her” … Maybe

Cubic Is Like the AI Assistant from “Her” … Maybe

We didn’t need to see the movie Her to know we wanted Scarlett Johansson to follow us around all the time, but after seeing the film, we did realize we would accept an AI version if that couldn’t happen. Cubic, a device currently on Indiegogo, is aiming to become a virtual assistant similar to the one in the movie that you can actually use. And while we’re skeptical it can deliver a smooth performance, the video on the campaign page does make it look pretty clever. Cubic allows you to interact with it and control your devices, apps, and services from anywhere (as long as you’re wearing the large white button). Talk to it and adjust temperature in your house, order take-out, send messages, and lots more. While we’re hesitant until we see one in action, it looks promising, even if it doesn’t have Scarlett’s voice.