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Clingo Parabolic Sound Sphere

Clingo Parabolic Sound Sphere

If there’s one thing we learned from that drunken night we stole a traffic cone and ran around the streets shouting nonsense it’s how the right shape can amplify sound so perfectly (also that Mind Erasers are a bit too delicious).  The parabolic shape of this aptly named Parabolic Sound Sphere naturally pumps up your audio by about 10 decibels.  Plus – for once – it’s not just for iPhone users, the Clingo Parabolic Sound Sphere isn’t trying to be some exclusive hipster product, it’ll work with a Blackberry, Droid or other cell.  The pass-through slot lets you charge your device while it’s docked in the Sound Sphere which is great when we’re watching all the old episodes of Arrested Development we downloaded on iTunes (hey, we never said we weren’t iPhone snobs).