Comic Books
Showing 5 results for articles tagged with Comic Books:
The Amazing Spider-Man #1 Curator Pedigree Grade
In the vast realm of Stan Lee's legendary creations, Spider-Man stands out as an icon of perfection. Making his debut in Amazing Fantasy #15 in 1962, the web-slinging hero swung into the spotlight with his solo adventure in The Amazing Spider-Man #1 in March 1963. Fast forward to the present,…

9 Graphic Novels That Will Teach You a Bit of History
Graphic novels might have superheroes and villains and plenty of the stuff we associate with outdated nerd stereotypes, but the medium has something to offer everyone else too—especially history buffs. There’s nonfiction here too, covering war, protests (peaceful and not), science, politics, and the mixtures of all of the above.…

Comic Books for People Who Think They Don’t Like Comics
Comic books have a reputation that tends to alienate people. Superhero comics have years of continuity behind them, keeping casual fans from being able to fully immerse themselves in the universe, since they have to jump on a fan-made Wiki every time Doc Ock references something Spider-Man did with the…

Justice League’s First Official Trailer
It seems like DC can't catch a break. Of their three recent releases, only Man of Steel got even a lukewarm reception and even then, audiences and critics had some serious problems with Zach Snyder's Superman. So here's to hoping Justice League can finally give the DC Extended Universe the treatment it…

‘Steve McQueen in Le Mans’ Graphic Novel
Le Mans is one of the most iconic racing films of all time despite the fact that it was released almost fifty years ago. Steve McQueen in Le Mans is a new graphic novel tribute. Created over the course of 3 years by the team at Garbo studios and in…