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The How Not to Die Cookbook

The How Not to Die Cookbook

In the grand scheme of things we consider important, one topic beats out our love of great whiskey, awesome movies, and all the other gear we cover on a regular basis—not dying. Not dying is pretty damn important, which is why we were excited to learn that renowned author and physician Michael Greger, M.D., FACLM (Fellow of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, in case you were curious) created a new cookbook. The How Not to Die Cookbook: 100+ Recipes to Help Prevent and Reverse Disease has one of the most self-explanatory names we’ve ever heard of. The health benefits are clear, but the title doesn’t do the recipes justice, because they’re actually delicious. Superfood Breakfast Bites. Spaghetti Squash Puttanesca. Two-Beery Pie with Pecan-Sunflower Crust. You’ll be eating your way to better health without even realizing it if you have a copy of this book in your kitchen. The How Not to Die Cookbook will be released on December 5 of this year… just in time for you to pick up a few copies for people on your holiday shopping list.