All recent conflicts might be settled online in League of Legends, Fortnite, or Valorant matches, but there was a time before that–when the rest of us were growing up–when everything was settled with one game: GoldenEye. The Nintendo 64 first-person shoot-em-up has long since gained cult status because, well, it’s simply the best, most-interactive, most-dynamic, and most-fun multiplayer console experience that has ever been. As long as you don’t have a friend that wants to play as Oddjob. 25 years later, it’s still the 3rd best selling N64 game of all time because despite the antiquated graphics and lack of modern controls, it’s just a whole helluva lot of fun to play. And now, it’s available on both the Switch and the Xbox, so learn more about the modern re-releases here (but don’t be the person that picks Oddjob because no one likes that person).
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