If you’re not already familiar with littleBits, they’re a technology company that makes kits designed to teach kids about the way electronics work. Their latest kit, the littleBits Star Wars Droid Inventor Kit, lets kids (or kids at heart) build their own version of R2-D2 using the littleBits pieces that assemble as easily as LEGO bricks. The kit includes 6 Bits, 20 Droid parts, 3 sticker sheets, instructions and a companion app for your phone with video instructions, 16+ missions and activities and controls for the Droid. It wouldn’t be R2-D2 without the bleeps and boops, so the robot comes with a module loaded with 20 authentic Droid sounds. While the kit might be designed and built to help kids get creative while building their own R2-D2, we’d be lying if we said we didn’t want to build one of our own.
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