Produced by UK-based studio Dorothy, this poster is a history of alternative music you can hang on your wall. Alternative Love Blueprint – A History of Alternative Music chronicles over 300 musicians, artists, producers and managers from the industry who have been, in Dorothy’s eyes, “pivotal to the evolution of the alternative and independent music scene.” Set on a backdrop of a circuit board from an early transistor radio, the Alternative Love Blueprint weaves its way from The Velvet Underground and The Clash to Nirvana and Nine Inch Nails through all of the related bands, sub-genres and different countercultures that make all this music special to the millions of people that love it. Each piece measures 60 x 80cm (roughly 24″ x 32″) and is a metal gold screen print that really pops on the 120gsm navy blue paper. If you’re looking for a new piece for the home or office, this is it. You’ll spend hours just finding all the bands you love.
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