Almost any parent knows a good drive in the car can elicit a visit from the Sandman to fussy kids who need to sleep. But who’d have imagined a big auto manufacturer would actually bring their car tech to the bedroom for the grownups. Ford Motor Company has brought its Lane-Keeping car tech to a “Smart Bed” that aims to curtail your partner’s attempts at a border crossing. As a product in the Ford Interventions line, the Lane-Keeping Smart Bed uses pressure sensors in the mattress to sense when someone has moved from their side to your no-fly-zone. It’s at that point when a built-in conveyor belt pulls them back to home base. The idea behind the use of the typically automotive-based feature is to alleviate disturbances while sleeping that can lead to fatigue for you and nightly defensive moves toward your usually-loved one. The Smart Bed isn’t for sale just yet, but we can dream about it for now, albeit interrupted.
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