Nighstands don’t generally do anything more than serve as a place to charge a phone, set a glass of water and store all the stuff you don’t want friends to see when they come over. The Curvilux Smart Nightstand does all those things, but it also does so much more. Your new bedroom command center looks like a minimalist designed version of those classic, flip-top grade school desks, but the features built into it are nothing short of awesome. The Curvilux Smart Nightstand has a light bar that can simulate the sunrise and help control your sleep schedules. It has wireless and wired USB charging easily accessible on the top of the unit. It even has password protection that can be enabled on the drawer so you don’t have to worry about your stuff when you’re not home or playing host at the next party. There’s even a built-in speaker that will allow you to stream music in the bedroom. In short, Curvilux took everything you’d want on your nightstand (light, charger, speaker) and put it in the nightstand itself.
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