If you’re like us, you have a drink of choice. If you have a drink of choice, you’ve also had a hangover. The guys at London-based charcuterie Serious Pig had a revelation (the next day, at the pub, obviously) that they could create a hangover-preventing meat snack. Hangover Cured uses high quality protein rich in amino acids, ginger (for nausea remedy) and chili (thought to boost levels of feel good endorphins and improve circulation) that an expert food nutritionist has actually signed off on. You’re never gonna get anything like an “approved by the FDA” statement when it comes to a hangover cure, but the guys at Serious Pig have been testing these “meat treats” on themselves and others whilst enjoying a pint (or three) to verify the effectiveness. We never really needed a reason to eat deliciously spiced pieces of meat while drinking, but if it also prevents hangovers all the better.
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