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Alfa One Portable Pizza Oven

Alfa One Portable Pizza Oven

At this point, you have no reason not to master making your own Neapolitan pizza at home. Fresh ingredients and a great recipe are key, but the real linchpin is the pizza oven. The new Alfa One Pizza Oven is one of the best options out there. It can get up to a max temperature of 1000°F, and will hit 750°F in just 10 minutes. That kind of temperature means you can knock out a fully-cooked pizza with the wood-fired taste that you’ve come to expect from a good Neapolitan pizza in just 90 seconds. Even if you factor in the time it takes to get to temp, that’s still faster than a frozen pizza in the oven. It also weighs only 110lbs–which isn’t exactly nothing–but it’s definitely lighter and easier to move than other ovens on the market. If you do decide to move it, it takes just five minutes to assemble and disassemble.

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