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The Most Popular Netflix Shows in the World

The Most Popular Netflix Shows in the World
Over the last 10 years, Netflix has expanded throughout the world like one of those virus simulations you’d find in science fiction films. Netflix remains close-lipped about exact viewing numbers, popularity and data, but HighSpeedInternet set out to shed some light on the five most popular Netflix shows in the world. The same team responsible for the best Internet service shopping companion out there (they are a business, after all) poured over Google Trends data before ranking countries by Netflix-related searches and cross-referencing them with most-searched show. In the US, it’s Shameless. In Russia, it’s Arrow. In Canada, it’s Bates Motel. And yet none of those shows are in the top five across the world. Here are the five most popular Netflix shows in the world:
  1. Sherlock
  2. Friends
  3. Narcos
  4. House of Cards
  5. New Girl
Check out for more interesting stats.