We love what we do. Waking up in the morning when you enjoy your job isn’t the most horrible thing in the world. With that said, anyone that makes the mistake of attempting to have a conversation with us before we’d had our morning caffeine is in for a rude awakening. Hell, in all honesty, it’s not really to the second or third cup that we even feel like a normal member of society. We might start washing with Joe just to reduce the toll on our loved ones and our bodies. Joe, as in coffee, not some random guy named Joe. Some enterprising, probably caffeine-addicted, chemist decided to make a unisex bodywash out of coffee and triple distilled peppermint. Why? Well, apparently the caffeine in coffee has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, odor absorbing and UV protecting properties that most of us were completely unaware of. Now we can get our caffeine fix in the shower without feeling weird about it.
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