Let’s get something straight: anything inspired by the B-2 Stealth Bomber, if executed correctly, is immediately cool. The Kickstarter project for these Stealth Playing Cards definitely falls into that category. The B-2 inspiration is not limited to the redesign of the card icons (Ace of Jets?) either, it’s also in the special silk silk coated paper and the metallic foil stamp on each of the cards. To top it off, each deck includes a stealth style box to store the cards in. At the end of the day, it’s a $13 deck of cards. We get that. But it’s also one guy’s chance to reimagine the way we look at the obligatory deck of Bicycle cards that sits in the junk drawer and turn it into something more front and center. That, or, it’s just a really cool deck of cards you’re going to enjoy using to steal your friend’s beer money.
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