Half the fun of the holidays is getting the perfect gift for someone else. You want to show how well you know the person and how important they are to you, so you make sure you listen all year for ideas, do your research, and pick out something you know they’re going to love. Now, the United States Postal Service wants to add a little something for you to the gift. They’ve made The Most Wonderful Ornament (which they insist on putting the ™ after every single time they say it), an ornament that tracks your gift through buying, shipping, delivery, and, finally, opening. It works by linking a special package with the ornament via tracking numbers and by glowing different colors based on the gift’s stage of delivery. It’s an attractive ornament too. It’ll blend right in to your tree’s already present decorations. Sadly, it’s not currently available, as it seems USPS is advertising a prototype, but we can hope it’ll be ready for next Christmas.
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