There are plenty of fantastically amusing and fun to play games you can break out whenever you have people over at your house, but Mr. Pip’s Double Cross is your next party game because of its unique blend of whimsy, sophistication and bluffing. Games play out kind of like a combination of Yahtzee and Liar’s Poker with some additional rules and punishments that make it a lot harder to lose all of your bets on one round. The game doesn’t explicitly encourage gambling but it’s hard not to imagine everyone buying in for a dollar per die and rolling bones until there’s only man or woman left standing who gets the whole pot. Regardless of whether you’re putting real money on the game, you’re going to have a great time playing what is now considered to be the most popular dice game in the world. It doesn’t hurt that, unlike the traditional cardboard box that gets dusty on a shelf, Mr. Pip is packaged in a gorgeous black or white plastic container that’s as much display piece as it is game storage.
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