If you’re an adult fan of LEGO (that’s AFOL), you’ve probably experimented making creations of your own with varying levels of success. Now, thanks to the guys at MOC Nation, you’ll be able to craft the perfect human skull, red fox, UFO, bengal tiger and vintage floppy disk. MOC (My Own Creation – LEGO has a lot of acronyms) Nation is a shop and design submission site that works similarly to Threadless, except for fantastically detailed and totally awesome LEGO creations. Designers from around the world submit unique LEGO creations to MOC Nation, the team selects their favorites, sources the parts and creates the paper instructions you’ve been using since you were a kid. Designers get their name out there and royalties for each set sold, and MOC Nation keeps the whole thing going so we have all the right pieces to put that LEGO skull on our desk and a mini desk on our mantle.
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