If you have to ask who the hell Ludwig Mies van der Rohe is, you know bubkus about architecture and design. The man’s stamp is on some of the best modern designs the world has ever seen. His minimalist and modern Farnsworth House in Plano, Illinois was just decorated with red lasers for the Chicago Architecture Biennial via architect and designer Iker Gil and artistic collective Luftwerk’s Geometry of Light installation. The thin red beams scattered all over the place make it look like Sith Lords have overtaken it. The original installation of the lasers started at the German Pavilion in Barcelona earlier this year, and the duo have carried it over to another icon of modern architecture, making it “a conceptual dialogue” by way of light and sound. The interior, exterior, and surrounding trees have been transformed while highlighting the clean lines of the Farnsworth House. This installation and other unique architectural experiences will be on display until January 5, 2020.
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