You probably already have a few well-designed prints adorning your walls. You also probably spend a grand total of two seconds looking at them on a daily basis. Framing a Litograph design will change that, and if you place it above eye level, strain your neck in the process. Each Litograph design features a simple image depicting a classic book that happens to also be a read itself. Basically the text makes the picture… or the picture is outlined by the text… or just look at the pics, you’ll get it. It’s a great way to display a bit of knowledge (or your love of Harry Potter) and do good in the process since, for each poster purchased, Litographs will donate a book (in conjunction with International Book Bank) to a community in need. Plus, order one in the next 5 days with coupon code COOLMATERIAL and you’ll save $10 on your order, which you can reinvest in a neck brace.
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