Chances are there are few pieces of decorative art you would want to steal from your Grandma’s house. The blue & white china – pass. The runner in front of the door because it sometimes gets “drafty” – pass. The porcelain vase standing next to the bowl of Werther’s Originals – pass. While that vase in its current form wouldn’t exactly fit with your movie poster decor LEGARAGE PIERREBLANC re-imagined it in a way that would be suitable for any upstanding gentleman’s (and hardcore metal fan’s) home. You don’t need to brush up on your French to understand the awesomeness of these vases (especially if you have hair down to your mid back). Whether you were a member of the KISS Army or rocked a black Misfits t-shirt there’s a vase here for you, even though you probably never thought you’d own one.
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