Industrial gas pipe is the LEGO of our adult years. Unlike LEGO, you don’t need thousands of pieces to make anything functional, gas pipe is a lot harder to step on and it looks a whole lot cooler. And while you could certainly spend a bunch of time and money at the hardware store picking up parts and building a desk lamp, sconce or floor lamp, it might be easier just to pick up one of these expertly crafted pieces from T Rowe Designs. Using gas pipe, glass insulators, paint (if you want it) and a fair bit of design eye, T Rowe Designs makes some of the coolest pipe lighting we’ve seen in a while. Take the Mario Bros. lamp for instance. Send everyone’s favorite Italian plumber (or his brother, Toad or Yoshi) into the warp pipe and the light comes on. Coolest Dad ever award goes to the guy that puts this in his kid’s room.
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