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Grady’s Cold Brew – Iced Coffee Concentrate

Grady’s Cold Brew – Iced Coffee Concentrate

Once the weather gets a touch cooler we make our annual transition back to hot coffee. Sure, we still drink it on Sunday mornings now when we are in the comfort of our air conditioned pad while we catch up on back episodes of “Louie,” but when we’re out in the summer we need our caffeine iced down so we don’t sweat through every shirt we own.  Now, there are ground rules we have set when it comes to our iced coffee – 1. It’s gotta be NOLA style  2. It can’t taste like hot coffee that has just been cooled and then iced.  If we sound picky, at least the guys over at Grady’s Cold Brew understand. Just mix some of their New Orleans style iced coffee concentrate with some milk and enjoy an iced coffee that will blow your freakin’ mind. The price for having two bottle shipped out only sounds exorbitant if you’ve never tried it.