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Cutting Up Knives Bottle Openers

Cutting Up Knives Bottle Openers

The “proper” utensil goes pretty much as follows: fish fork, dinner fork, salad fork, (insert plate here), service knife, fish knife, and then soup spoon. To hell with that. Do you honestly need half of those utensils? Of course not. Unless you’re having dinner with the in-laws for a major occasion (most of us don’t even bust out the good china and three fork place settings for Turkey Day and Christmas), half of those utensils aren’t even necessary. Walking into a place with a set up like that does do one thing other than give you sticker shock though—it makes you want a beer. So skip the sixteen course meal and opt for a quality collection of bottled carbs. Open it with one of these new Cutting Up Knives Bottle Openers crafted from a high quality piece of bladed flatware and you can relax while still feeling fancy.