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The Drunk Diet

The Drunk Diet

Admit it, somewhere in your closet is an Ab Rocker or a P90X DVD or—god forbid – a Shake Weight. We wanna be fit and we happen to be suckers for a well-designed ad campaign (“Who cares if it looks like he’s playing with himself? Check out those arms!”). We’ll fall for a fitness plan that seems simple or simply awesome, and Luc Carl had us at “Drunk Diet.” Luc transformed himself from an “out-of-shape, bloated asshole” into an in-shape, far from bloated partier (we can’t comment on the asshole part). Without ditching the cold beers, he changed his life and is inspiring others to do so as well. The book might be hard to read with the room spinning after a long night, but any diet plan that allows for such a bender works for us.