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The 3D Art Book

The 3D Art Book

Life is not lived in two dimensions. It’s the third dimension that makes everything more interesting. You can look all kinds of things up and down, but you’ll never really be able to judge it until you know what it would be like to reach out and touch it. It might be gimmicky in film because of its overuse, but applied to more traditional art it’s groundbreaking. That’s exactly what Tristan Eaton is doing with the 3D Art Book. He combines the works of street, graffiti, toy and graphic artists (10Deep, Mishka NYC, Shephard Fairey and Eric White just to name a few) with a medium they’ve never been experienced in before – retro 3D. Throw on the included red and blue 3D glasses and reach out and touch (almost literally) over 100 contemporary works of art. The only thing it doesn’t have is 8 foot tall blue aliens. That’s not a bad thing.