In case you haven’t heard of PornBurger, the self-described “burger pervert” makes fantastic burger-based creations like the Spamela Anderson (pineapple upside down cake buns, jalapeño bacon, sharp cheddar, beef patty w/ spam) and The Fowl-Atio (rosemary, sweet potato roll, cranberry ketchup, brussel sprout salad, crispy duck skin, turkey gravy, jarlesburg cheese, turkey patty, chicken liver pate) that are equal parts delicious and completely out of the ordinary. PornBurger: Hot Buns and Juicy Beefcakes takes all of classically-trained chef Matthew Ramsey’s ridiculous recipes and raunchy descriptions and turns them into a cookbook you can reference to create your own “culi-naughty adventures” in hamburgery.
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