Tentsile makes clever outdoor gear with personality. They take vibrant colors and splash them across unique tents that double as treehouses. Their latest “tent” is their wildest yet. The Tentsile Universe 3-in-1 Outdoor Shelter is unlike any tent you’ve ever camped with. Sure you can plop it at a campsite and catch some z’s inside after you’ve finished roasting marshmallows for the night, but that’s really just the start of it. The real genius here is the addition of a padded PVC floor that lets the whole thing float. Yup, you can take this thing out on the water and enjoy some shade with less bugs as you drift with the water. Then, pull it back over onto the grass and snag a little shut-eye after a long day. Don’t want to sleep on the ground? Cool, string this thing up like a hammock and rest among the trees.
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