If you haven’t noticed, we’ve dedicated a significant amount of time on finding new bags and travel gear on our little allotted internet space here. This is almost all out of sheer necessity. With all the gear we lug around – MacBooks and laptops, iPads and tablets, stacks of random papers we should probably just toss – most bags end up bursting at the seams like a pair of CC Sabathia’s jeans. It’s also exactly the reason why we want to slim down all the gear we can. For our external hard drive needs we’d choose the GoFlex Slim Performance Drive. At about the thickness of a pencil (that’s what she said . . . no, wait) it stores 320GB in an ultra slim design. It’s got USB 3.0 plug-and-play connectivity and a super quick 7200 RPM internal drive making transfers simple and fast. If we can start doing this with all our gear our bag will start shrinking like Drew Carey.
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