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Crate & Barrel Growler

Crate & Barrel Growler

The phrase “bar essentials” gets thrown around a lot in the office. Most of the time, it’s talking about the classic combination of gin, triple sec, bourbon, rum, scotch, tequila, vermouth (dry and sweet if you want to get deep) and vodka that should be present in every home bar, but every once in a while we get down to brass tacks and talk tools too. You obviously need a shaker, a corkscrew and a bottle opener, but what else? What good does anything we’ve brought up so far do if you or your guests are beer geeks? Hell, we enjoy cocktails as much as the next guy, but there are some occasions that just call for a brew. When they strike, you better be drinking something classy and not just a can of some domestic swill. This handcrafted growler from Crate & Barrel is the perfect place to start when it comes to trucking something delicious home from the local micro brewery.

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