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Feed Me: 50 Home Cooked Meals for your Dog

Feed Me: 50 Home Cooked Meals for your Dog

How would you feel if you had to eat the same thing every day for the rest of your life? Unless it was pizza, you’d probably be pretty damn bored. That’s how Fido feels, we imagine. Your dog is a member of the family, too, so it’s high time you start giving them some variety in their meals. Start with Feed Me: 50 Home Cooked Meals for your Dog. Feed Me is an illustrated cookbook with 50 easy-to-follow, nutritious and appetizing meals designed specifically for man’s best friend. We’re talking the likes of seared beef with carrot risotto, and pasta with soybeans and crispy apple, so yeah, we’d probably buy extra and just cook ourselves the same thing for dinner. Normally we wouldn’t trust anyone we’d never met with our dog’s nutrition, but the author, Liviana Prola, is incredibly credentialed. Doctor of veterinary science. PhD in Animal Nutrition. Research scientist at the Department of Veterinary Science at Turin University in Italy. President of Italian Society of Animal Nutrition. The list goes on. She knows what’s up.

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