Most men know how to do a lot of things but are only exceptional at a few of them. We’re really good at finding cool stuff on the Internet, but calculus is an instant migraine. We could write about the newest gadgets and gear until the sun comes up, but writing about an amuse-bouche is nothing more than a flashing cursor. Jordan Voth is a ridiculously talented photographer that can shoot pretty much anything involving people. Cover shots for the latest women’s magazine that you swear you don’t read when you’re in the bathroom? No problem. Lookbook shots for a women’s catalog? No problem. Terry Richardson style American Apparel hottie shots? Yeah he can do that to. The only thing we want to do more than stare at the occasionally barely clothed women is sit down and drink a beer with the guy. Check out Jordan Voth Photography and you’ll understand why.
[via Life Lounge]