If you’re anything like us, the first think you think of when you hear the words “relentlessly cheerful art” is Tickle Me Elmo – as your eyes start to glaze over. Ironically enough, that wouldn’t be that far from the truth because James Hance Relentlessly Cheerful Art is all about the Muppets. It’s also about everything else in pop culture worth being aware of (Iron Man, Batman Superman, Star Wars, you get the idea). Hance starts with a scene you’re probably familiar with (Van Gogh’s Starry Night), then adds some classic nerd (Batman) and ends with something completely ridiculous and totally awesome (The Dark Starry Knight). If you can’t find anything you like in the collection of re-envisioned Michelangelos, Warhols, and Van Goghs then you’re doing something wrong.
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