The leather goods market is all but busting at the seams these days. Everyone and their brother is releasing a leather accessories collection with key fobs, belts and other “essentials” made from the most sought after pieces of leather. We’d have a problem with it if brands like Broken Homme weren’t still releasing awesome pieces that we wanted to buy. Their new leather goods collection includes three separate pieces, each available in a few different styles. There’s a D-Ring Belt available in brown, black or buffalo leather. A traditional belt, the Scott, available in brown or black and three different sizes. Then there’s a belt fob, key tag and keyfob, all available in brown or black. Each of the pieces is made of good leather (5oz. chromexcel for the accessories, full grain or buffalo for the belts) in Los Angeles and uses matte black hardware. The only thing about these accessories that isn’t fashion with a capital F are the price tags.
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