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Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails

Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails

For some reason, we thought cocktail recipes were sort of an immutable constant through time. If you were to go back to the 1850’s, you’d find people ordering their vodka sodas and gin and tonics. The Roman’s partied with rum and cokes after sacking the eastern kingdoms, Jesus relaxed with a whiskey ginger, and the unkown eleventh commandment was Moses’ personal recipe for a great Bloody Mary (son of a bitch had a sense of humor). Truth of the matter is, cocktails, like everything, have changed with time, and the recipes of yesteryear are oft forgotten. Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails recalls all the great drinks from days gone by. Learn how to make the Alamagoozlum or the Zombie 100, and then read about the stories behind them. We’re guessing that the Alamagoozlum fell out of favor because it’s extremely difficult to say sober, and fucking impossible to say drunk.

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