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County Comm Embassy Pen

County Comm Embassy Pen

No man should ever be without a pen. Something about writing in ink says “Yes, I mean business and I will definitely call you.” Do you want to offer up a pencil so that she can write her digits? Of course not. What happens when you recover the next day and can’t determine if it’s a 1 or a 7? She was fantastic so you’re going to try every possible combination, but you wouldn’t have to if you had the County Comm Embassy Pen. This pen is so fantastic that it is actually used by the government (presumably by the US Embassy) and County Comm wants to make it yours because they have extras. It has knurled ridges, is made of steel, and packs a Fisher Space Pen cartridge (the one that writes in zero gravity). Even MacGuyver doesn’t have to add anything to this bad boy.

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